OK, I know I wrote a bit about this earlier, but as seasons change it seems appropriate to write a note. As summer (seasonal as well as academic…though not climactic) finally ends, I suppose some attention must be paid to the fact that my blogometer is a bit short of the original contract. I suppose if we look at this from a simple assessment stance I completed roughly 67% of my goal, ranking my performance at a D+ (though a few of the posts were longer, maybe giving me grounds to argue for a gentleman's C).
As I wrote a few weeks ago, I'm going to continue writing under this “30 Blogposts of Summer” banner until I complete my contract, whether this is concurrent with the falling leaves, deep into winter, or even if I lap myself and finish in summer of 2013. There are so many things to learn about, think about, talk about in the world of education and technology, and I have found no better venue to explore this playground than the pages of this blog (I know that a blog doesn't have pages, but…)
Thanks to those of you who have continued to read through the gaps and lulls. I hope that I have given you a thing or two to think over. Now let's move into the uncharted territory of summer writing in the not-summer (or as Buzz Lightyear said, “to infinity and beyond!”
As always, I welcome your comments.
Image: 'Game Over' http://www.flickr.com/photos/29652825@N08/3653333298 Found on flickrcc.net
I am excited to see what comes next!
Better to take your time.